
"I've seen a lot of spinals in my day."

The family came in town last weekend to check up on me and the goats. After their initial fascination wore off, Mom whipped out the new camcorder in hopes of bringing back some urban goat footage back to the grandparents and immediate family. (Dougie Shoutout to Uncle Homer for the names "Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.") To spice things up, my brother Henry and I encouraged some climbing by placing privet and goat feed up off the ground. Here's the result:

"Sometimes they fall. That'd be ideal." We couldn't have scripted it any better. He even waited for me to finish my story. Fortunately, he hopped right back up and went after the Noble Goat like nothing happened - so I don't feel guilty posting it for the world to see.


  1. And don't think that YouTube comment went unnoticed, Willy. You're a good man, and thorough.
