
"Check my LP's."

Remember the experimental goat herding at 5 Acre Woods post? Here's some video that was shot that day. Coach Counter gives a brief summary of what exactly is going on before I come in carrying the late Digby. Count how long it takes him to start eating. This place is a goat's Land of Milk and Honey.

Another short clip of John Abraham doing what he did best.

It didn't take them long at all to completely decimate what little vegetation we encircled. Unfortunately, I was alone when the resources ran out and the goats got rowdy. Keeping them under control and relocating their paddock would have been nearly impossible, so I spent the morning pulling up the surrounding privet and tossing it in with the goats. Had there been another set of hands, or, better yet, a larger and sturdier enclosure, goats could easily make a dent. Wouldn't take too long at all to see a noticeable change for the better. Maybe as our class moves into the project, I can convince someone to let me try again.