
Mark Powers' Goat Photography

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View the start of Mark's career as a goat photographer

These steps seem to be the goats newest favorite hangout. If they're not eating, odds are they're stacked up on these steps taking a power nap.


  1. Catherine CherbourgOctober 13, 2009 12:36 AM

    Great pic! (BTW, there's no way you'll be able to eat this guys....)

  2. First Question: Why have you not castrated these guys? Is it just too 'ouch' a subject for the house to consider?

    Second Question: Have you ever smelled a goat buck in rut? If you think your neighbors object to their foliage disappearing, wait till they get wind of goat testosterone.

    You're entering a world of pain by keeping these guys intact. It will be fun to read about -- from a great distance.

  3. "They were Nazis, Dude?"

    The three guys were all born around April of this year. And we only plan to employ the clean up crew until December. I was hoping, since they'll be under a year old the entire time with us, we could avoid the whole castration issue. Do you think it's necessary? I'm not opposed to the idea. It's just an instinctive male hesitation I suppose.

    "Come on, Donny. They were threatening castration."

    How long until the stank is going to be an issue?
