AND my roommate told me he broke up with his girlfriend the other day. Said he no longer wanted the brownies she'd made him on the counter. Sorry for your loss, dude. But don't count on those brownies making it through the night.
So, I plan on catching up on goat news in the company of the chocolate covered fruit I smuggled out in some Tupperware. It's not stealing if you're eating it yourself, right? Right.
In all seriousness, the dining hall put together a performance tonight. Delicious food all over the place. As a cyber high-five, I'll shamelessly link to their webpage as much as possible. Maybe even write a letter.
(Just to bring everybody back down to earth, some meat head plopped down across the table from me with his gallon jug of Creatine-y water, 3 sweet potatoes, and a bowl of chili. In the midst of a once-a-semester feast! Justified his main course with "sweet potatoes are awesome sources of carbs if you're trying to gain weight." Go 'dawgs.)
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